torsdag 22. mars 2012

Ecium/ en av Peter Korns

Echium - a very showy shrub that produces large "spikes" of blue, red, lavender or pink flowers. There are about 60 species of this plant and they can be annual, biennials or perennials. Echium are mostly for temperate climates (zone 9-11) but you can find some varieties that can survive in zone 6 if you search the Internet. Echium Candicans (Pride of Madeira) is a perennial that blooms from spring through summer. Echium Wildpretii (Tower of Jewels) is a huge biennial that blooms in the late spring. Ecium Vulgare is the most common of the species, but is very prickly and most would consider it a highly invasive weed. Echiums should be planted in full sun and provide bees with both nectar and pollen.

1 kommentar:

  1. Juveltårn er vel godt oversatt på denne vakre blomsten.
